Nama : Dr. FEMILIA ZAHRA, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA.
Tempat,  Tanggal Lahir : Palu, 21 Juni 1981
Jabatan Akademik : Lektor
Riwayat Pendidikan : S1 Universitas Tadulako
    S2 Universitas Gadjah Mada
    S3 Universitas Diponegoro
Riwayat Pengajaran : Audit, Sistem, dan Teknologi Informasi Akuntansi
ID SINTA : 5979408
ID Google Scholar : OwtQ0DwAAAAJ
ID Scopus : 57194777750

Riwayat Penelitian dan Publikasi Ilmiah

No. Judul Penelitian Tahun Ket.
1 How does organizational factors influence the assimilation of knowledge management and e-learning functions at the state university? 2020 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
2 Integrasi e-Learning dalam Knowledge Management pada Lingkungan Universitas 2019 Penelitian DIPA Untad/ Jurnal Internasional Scopus
3 Persepsi Kegunaan, Kemudahan Penggunaan, dan Kenyamanan Pengaruh terhadap Niat dalam Menggunakan Aplikasi Mobile Banking (Studi pada Nasabah Perbankan Konvensional di Kota Palu) 2019 Jurnal Nasional
4 The Impact of E-filing Implementation on Increasing Tax Compliance: Survey on Individual Taxpayer in Indonesia 2018 Proceeding
5 Student Awareness Towards Social Entrepreneurship: A Qualitative Study 2017 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
6 Does E-Procurement Solve Indonesia Local Government  Budgetary Slack through it Adaptive Culture? 2017 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
7 The effect of self assessment system and fraud detection possibility toward tax evasion behavior 2017 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
8 Does accounting control system boost marketing capabilities? 2017 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
9 The impact of participative budgeting on budgetary slack: A meta-analysis 2017 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
10 Entrepreneurship Training Class (ETC) through E-learning for undergraduate students: A literature re-view 2020 Jurnal Internasional Scopus
11The Role of Accounting Information Utilization in Mediating the Relationship Between the Accounting Administration and the Benefits of Accounting Information in Small and Medium Enterprises2020 Jurnal Internasional Scopus

Riwayat Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

No. Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tahun
1 Pelatihan Kewirausahaan bagi Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Malakosa 2019
2 Penyuluhan Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi dengan Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna pada Wirausaha Batu Bata di Desa Bekka Kab Sigi 2019